Tuesday, January 10, 2012


This is where I'm supposed to get all deep and philosophical introducing myself to well lets be honest right now no one. But that’s cool I'm sort of doing this, well lets be honest facebook wont let me rant in book form.
help, if anyone ever dose read this I guess let me start with...HI! and now about me.

When last we left our Hero...So this is me Matthew, basically I'm your average guy and by that I mean a 12 year old trapped in a 37 (not in a row) year old body. not really, as much as I hate to say it I'm growing up and someday might even be one of those ADULT people but I fight it pretty hard. I'm your "A-typical” misanthropic asshole!
 I love wine, old movies, long walks on the beac...wait wrong place.
presently I live in the heart of Downtown Denver I actually like it here, but getting ready to move to Des Moines IA, something I do a lot for short periods of time. Although not always Des Moines, but I did spend 3 months there a few years back.
I live with my cat "Dude" in a shoe box of a 1 bed room apt. the place (I believe used to be an old boarding house then a hotel)  its kind of odd and kooky in an old place charm kind of way.
I Have a odd coffee addiction, smoke way to much a lot of the time, work as a Cook/Chef/whatever for the last almost 30 years... for the next few weeks I'm working for a place at DIA (to be honest I hate it there and only stayed this long because a good friend is the Kt. Manger) as the time has pasted I'm starting to feel burned out on it as well, the whole cooking thing that is. so why this? well to tell the truth I'm doing this because, well I can... I guess.
You will come to find out if you haven't already that I don't ever think I have anything to say but will say anything that comes to mind anyway. Ok so there you have as much as I want to share about me right now. besides its my day off today and I did nothing all that worth talking about over all, I mean how much can you share about doing laundry right. anyway I know I'm supposed to tell you all about my plan for this thing. But well I don't have one. its going to sort of organic I guess, by the way (and I'm sure you've taken note) yes my spelling sucks and I'm terrible with the punctuation. 
I'm not apologizing just forewarning. I do use spell-check but that's not always reliable.
SO if you're a fucking Grammar Nazi and shit, well you get it I think.   over all you will come to find 1) i don't give a flying fuck what you think of it 2) fuck you, No wait 2)...well I don't have a 2 YET 
also I cuss a lot I try to write like I speak, I live in a very odd world of kitchens and well the F-bomb get dropped a lot deal with it!   

I believe everyone LIES about dumb shit, we all hate it but I find this very intriguing.

some past posts are going to/have been deleted. This is a new blog and a new thing for me (maybe) we'll see how long this lasts, I get bored easy.

Basically...I'd say I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not. I excel at not giving a shit. Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation, and expectations beget disappointment, so the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C Equals A, or whatever. I also don't have a lot of interest in being a good person or a bad person. From what I can tell, either way, you're screwed. Bad people are punished by society's laws, and good people are punished by Murphy's Law. So you see my dilemma.

so thats me I guess, I'll try to keep this thing up and going as much as I can 


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